Monday, May 12, 2014

Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card Review

The first time I read Ender's Game was in the sixth grade. I can't remember much of my first impression, but I do remember that I enjoyed it very much. Recently, as many of you probably know, a movie adaption of Ender's Game was released. Watching the movie, I remembered a lot of things about the book that I hadn't thought of in years- I remembered the abuse that Peter showed towards Valentine and Ender. I remembered battle school, and all the games that Ender would play. And I was filled with the need to refresh my memory and dive back into the book for a second read.
I ordered a used copy of Ender's Game from Powell's (find my Powell's review here) and was very pleased with the condition of it when it arrived.
The book begins a bit slowly, but it's through the slowness that we come to understand more about Ender, his circumstances, and his home life. However, things quickly pick up. There are so many questions that we have throughout this book that it's a miracle that we were able to receive the answers- but we did.
Ender's Game doesn't solely follow Ender's story, either. It also tells us of his siblings, Valentine and Peter, and their endeavors while Ender is away at Battle School.
I personally found the segments of Battle and Command school facilitating- Orson Scott Card has clearly done thorough research in the way he presents the sci-fi aspects of the book. The tactical way that Ender thinks, along with the strategies that he devises, are well beyond his age that I always find myself surprised whenever we're reminded of his age.
This book, besides the obvious science fiction element, is far from unrealistic. It shows us that, although Ender may be a genius and humanity's biggest hope, he remains a child. A child, who, if put under enough pressure, can break and become depressed. Ender has to shoulder weights that I can scarcely imagine, but he does it with strength- and for that, he has become one of the most beloved characters that I have had the pleasure to read about.
If you have an aptitude for science fiction and haven't yet read Ender's Game, I encourage you to give it a read. There is much to be learned from Ender, and from the circumstances that he is placed in. And although we don't receive any impression that this is a purpose of the book, I felt oddly touched when I finally finished it.
4.3/5 Stars

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